Canvas of She
In dawn's embrace, her smile unfolds
Morning sunshine, .
Yet when clouds of sulking gather near,
Her face scatters fog of a misty veneer.
The darkness of her eyes
unveils an unknown universe.
The gaze of her eyes whispers
labyrinths of feelings where words betray
Language of sorrow unfolds a silent tale
on the canvas as teardrops descent.
Her anger, a tempest that surges
A fiery of thunderstorm.
Her lips are hued with emotions
of silence eclipse.
Her face,A gentle deception woven with grace
Fooled by her innocence where truth hide
Behind the lies.
Her voice, a sweet melody leaping
through the air of summers breeze.
Her beauty unveils a harmonious dance of
gold and red of autumn falls...
Brushstrokes on the canvas adorned with hues
Define a woman, an artwork of
passion and wisdom and grace.
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