
Showing posts from September, 2024

Across The Multiverse

In this realm, we're worlds apart, Our love a whisper in the dark, But in another universe,  we stand, Hand in hand,  I trace the threads of time and space, Searching each dimension’s face, Where sorrow never touched us, Where love was not a battle to lose. There you would never say goodbye, Our stars align beneath the sky. In another, we never fell apart, Love forever bound to our heart. We'd laughed at the simplest things,  share quiet moments with each other's company,  Our hands would find comfort in each other's, Fingers tracing the edges of fears never spoken aloud. Finding solace in the spaces,  where silence would be kind. The weight of the world would seem lighter to bear, There, the silence wouldn't t scare us, It would hold us, like a promise we both believed ." But here, in this cruel, fleeting world, Our fate is like dying winter leaves unfurled, I ache for what we aren't or we’ll never be, In this reality’s broken sea. In this world, we're...


August being the letterbox to my sorrows Or Am I Saturated by the days of August? The existence of August overrides anything ; Pushes me into a hallow of melancholy. And how odd is it to be haunted by the memories that seems to be of yesterday's  I cannot romantacise it all but there is devil  hiding inside the silk that haunts me down. Why I am sad it's just a month - I am sad because she spoke to me in words , left me with happiness and just a little  pain. I constantly kept thinking that you existed  It took me days to recover from this dream. I suppose it's completely pointless to think of you at all .or is it ? I wish you were just a human to me; I didn't want to look at you with poetry in my eyes . How odd is it for you it's just a month , just words ; and I kept all these inside me. What if i told you I am incapable of all this. I am unable to tolerate my own heart . I have stitched my life like a new sweater. Am I suffering poetically enough to bleed , Poetr...